Updates completed as promised from Oct-2023 post

  • So the Villanova data has been added 346 titles for the U.S. and 67 in the Europe page.

  • The Europe page has been added with 6,722 titles added - Major items are 3,383 for England and Wales, 2,196 for Spain, 498 for France, and 177 for Scotland.

    Oct-2023 post items listed below:

In November I am reviewing and adding additional titles from the 417 titles available from Villanova University - Falvey Memorial Library site - Peiodicals section at https://digital.library.villanova.edu/Item/vudl:280423 and Newspapers at https://digital.library.villanova.edu/Item/vudl:571213 Note in each collection there is a title that contains many single issue titles - Miscellaneous Single Issues on page 4 of the newspapers, and Miscellaneous Single Issues (Periodicals) on page 5 of the Periodicals section.

I also plan to add a map page for European newspapers, I have a lot more work to do on these, but currently have 4,232 titles with latitude/longitude coordinates for Europe, 2,358 of which are free sources.


November 2023 Update


October 2023 Update